Beau is Afraid tells the story of Beau Wassermann (Joaquin Phoenix), a taciturn, socially-awkward middle-aged man who is the son of renowned and wealthy businesswoman Mona (Patti LuPone). He currently lives a broken existence, with a dilapidated apartment, constant therapy sessions (led by Stephen McKinley Henderson) and sleepless nights due to the barrage of sounds…
Read MoreWhilst C’mon C’mon is the type of film that ultimately holds you down to listen to what it has to say, Mike Mills constructs it in such a way that it’s a more emotional and gradual experience. There’s a texture in the way he presents his narrative, culminating in a manner that when stepped away…
Read MoreA lot has been said leading up to the release of Joker, with some of the most common arguments surrounding whether the film was necessary and whether there would be fatigue around yet another portrayal of the Clown Prince. The trailer didn’t reveal much and left audiences a little perplexed. But after predominantly receiving positive…
Read MoreA gallery from the Sydney Premiere of Joker, the new film starring Joaquin Phoenix
Read MoreWith a title like The Sisters Brothers, one would be forgiven for assuming that Jacques Audiard‘s off-centred western would be something of a comedy. Whilst there’s moments of black humour peppered throughout Audiard’s English-language debut – which makes its inclusion in this year’s Alliance Francaise French Film Festival all the more curious – this is…
Read MoreIt may not seem like it, but it’s been ten years since director Gus Van Sant gave us the powerful and Oscar-winning biopic Milk. Since then, the filmmaker has been in somewhat of a slump, with three films (Restless, Promised Land, and The Sea of Trees) falling flat on their faces. You probably didn’t see any of them and you…
Read MoreMary Magdalene extends the long list of biblical film adaptations, and with it, brings a competent yet flawed look at one of the most scrutinised and controversial figures surrounding the life of Jesus Christ. While Mary Magdalene brings some refreshing aspects to the table, it also becomes the victim of its own ambition, sacrificing any…
Read MoreWhat do you get when you make a Woody Allen film with Joaquin Phoenix, Emma Stone and Parker Posey in an unconventional awkward love triangle and throw in some existentialism? You get Irrational Man and the first trailer for it has arrived. Director Woody Allen has kept a tight lid on the script for this…
Read MoreWe bring you a special behind the scenes video with actor Joaquin Phoenix and director Spike Jonze for the 2013 film HER – which is now showing in Australian cinemas. The film won the Golden Globe for best screenplay (Spike Jonze) over the weekend and is nominated for FIVE Academy Awards ———- This content has recently…
Read MoreThe Iris presents the international trailer and Australian poster for the anticipated new film HER, released in Australian cinemas on January 16th, 2014. Directed by Spike Jonze, this original love story is garnering high praise from critics after showing at the New York and Rome Film Festivals. <iframe width=”560″ height=”315″ src=”//″ frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen></iframe> Starring Joaquin…
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