Flight Risk

Film Review: Flight Risk; Mel Gibson is unable to smoothly land tepid plane-set thriller

Regardless of how one feels about him personally, you can’t entirely deny that Mel Gibson knows how to direct a movie.  Braveheart, The Passion of the Christ and Apocalypto are all, at worst, competently made features that speaks to a creative awareness of the craft.  The Gibson that made those movies, however, isn’t anywhere to be…

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Track of the Day: Scarlet Parke “Pretend” (2020)

Seattle-based artist, Scarlet Parke returns with her latest single “Pretend”, produced by Jake Crocker. After releasing her debut LP, Flight Risk, the artist is known for channeling raw emotions and experiences into her music. The track evokes nostalgic feelings towards an ex-lover with an eclectic side of smooth r&b-pop-trap beats. The recurring lyrics throughout the…

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