Phantastic Ferniture is the project of old friends Julia Jacklin, Elizabeth Hughes, Ryan K Brennan and Tom Stephens. United by a love of fern puns, and born out of a (potentially) drunken vow made in 2014 to form a band, the group have recently released their debut self titled record, and will shortly be embarking on a quick tour of the East Coast.
“Dark Corner Dance Floor”, appearing late on that record, is full of youthful exubergance and a joyous swagger. A glorious celebration of dancing like no-one is watching, featuring some sweet vocal hooks and swirling reverb laden guitars. It’s all far removed from the respective members other, folkier, more serious work. The brief – to be more spontaneous, less meticulous and to just not overthink it – has been well and truly nailed!
The track’s video was just released and you can check it out here:
Here’s a bit of insight behind the song, from the band themselves:
When you’re a kid from out of the city you think Darling Harbour is the essence of Sydney. The aquarium, the Ferris wheel, the IMAX theatre. You imagine when you finally make it to the big smoke you’ll spend your weekends falling in love under the lights of the high rises. Turns out if you move to Sydney you’ll probably never go there. We wanted to capture that feeling we had when we were two starry eyed teens imagining a fake city life.
Phantastic Ferniture’s self-titled debut album is available now from Makeout Records, Polyvinyl Records or Transgressive Records. Follow the band on Facebook, and check out their upcoming Australian tour dates!
Fri 17 August – The Foundry (Grain Presents), Brisbane
Thu 23 August – Grace Emily, Adelaide
Fri 24 August – The Gaso, Melbourne
Wed 29 August – Oxford Art Factory, Sydney