Five bosses who could Melissa McCarthy a run for her money

From the devil who wears designer labels to the literal incarnate of evil itself, cinema has long been a platform for employers to be presented as anything but reasonable.  On the eve of Melissa McCarthy doing her best bad boss impersonation in (the appropriately titled) The Boss, here’s a look at five other business heads you can be thankful aren’t over-seeing your day-to-day work routines.

30 Rock‘s Jack Donaghy

Jack Donaghy

Fueled by the wonders of synergy, Jack (Alec Baldwin) could easily outwit anything McCarthy could possibly thrown at him, especially if it threatens to iron out his inflated ego. He’s also got experience babysitting Tracy Jordan, Lutz, Liz Lemon, AND Jenna Maroney, so chances are he’s well equipped to take on pretty much anyone.

The Devil Wears Prada‘s Miranda Priestly


Enviably stylish and powerful but not exactly possessing the personable skills one would seek to acquire, Meryl Streep’s bitch-in-designer-heels routine is synonymous with the horrible boss persona.  And although you want to be off with her head (or take your own, whichever comes first) there’s still the slightest fraction of hope you’ll be able to break through her icy exterior – just be prepared for a lengthy battle.

Working Girl‘s Katherine Parker

If there’s any motto to take away from this Oscar-nominated comedy, it’s that you should beware of the boss that acts as if they’re your friend. With her shoulder padded blazer at the ready, Sigourney Weaver passes herself off as Melanie Griffith’s BFF in order to get some business ideas which she ultimately passes off her as own.

Horrible Bosses‘ Dr. Julia Harris

Sure, the idea of a sexually-aggressive Jennifer Anniston sounds like one hardly worth rejecting, but this delicious black comedy proves there’s only so much one person can take before playful banter becomes full-blown assault.  You could do worse as far as bosses go most definitely, but not having to worry about how your genitals will be treated certainly makes her horrible title appropriate.

The Devil’s Advocate‘s John Milton

john_milton_3_by_carriejokerbates-d9hdl4aAs bad as bosses can get, be thankful that you aren’t working for the devil – literally! Keanu Reeves learns the hard way in 1997’s mystery-thriller that the downward spiral his life takes is all in the details of the Al Pacino‘s devil. Thankfully, this is one fictional character to spur inspiration.

The Boss is out this week.

Contributors to this article also included Chris Singh. 


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Peter Gray

Seasoned film critic. Gives a great interview. Penchant for horror. Unashamed fan of Michelle Pfeiffer and Jason Momoa.