Cape Byron Distillery has released a limited edition kumquat gin

Co-founder and distiller of NSW-based Cape Byron Distillery, Eddie Brook, is paying ode to his Grandma with his newly release, limited-edition kumquat gin. Dubbed “Shirl the Pearl”, the unique gin has been made available to the public with just 650 bottles available at the distillery’s Cellar Door and online store.

With state travel set to open back up for NSW residents, it’s perfect timing for this awarded distillery to drop something so surprising as a kumquat gin. Eddie describes it as a “bright, citrusy and uplifting number which pairs the natural acidity and mild bitterness of Australian kumquats with the unique flavour profile of Brookie’s Bryon Dry Gin”.

“This gin is an ode to my Grandma who was known to her friends and family as ‘Shirl the Pearl,” says Brook, as he explains his inspiration behind this release. “My mum would tell me stories of Shirl’s notorious kumquat gin that was broken out at various cocktail and dinner parties. The spirit is truly special and I’m sure Shirl would approve.”

Given the nation is now full of at-home bartenders and amateur chefs, it’s sounding like this new kumquat gin would be an excellent addition to any cart. It’s ability to enhance classic cocktails and take them to the next level is being touted as one of the strengths of this new release, highlighting its use in everything from a simple breakfast martini to a curious concoction bringing marmalade into the mix (recipe below).

Lady Marmalade Recipe

– 60ml Shirl the Pearl
– 30ml lemon juice
– 10ml aquafaba or egg white
– 1 teaspoon marmalade

Shake all ingredients with ice and strain into an ice-filled rocks glass. Garnish with a mint sprit and kumquat.

Shirl the Pearl is available exclusively from Thursday, 28th May at Cape Byron Distillery’s Cellar Door and their online store. Note, the Cellar Door tasting sessions are currently limited to Saturdays and Sundays, bookings are essential at

Chris Singh

Chris Singh is an Editor-At-Large at the AU review, loves writing about travel and hospitality, and is partial to a perfectly textured octopus. You can reach him on Instagram: @chrisdsingh.