Listen to Guvera's 25 track Summer playlist – Sponsored by XXXX Summerbright.

Make the most of everyday – Summer is more than just a reason, it’s the feeling that something awesome could happen at any moment. Summertime has well and truly begun, being right in the midst of the festival season, summer and music go hand in hand. Guvera has created a Summertime playlist featuring international artists such as Chvrches, Cloud Control and HAIM to get everyone in the spirit of Summer. Check it out at:

The playlist is sponsored by XXXX Summerbright who are leading the way for Summertime fun with their #youin competition. Check out the daily missions on their Facebook & Instagram pages and join in for a chance to win a gift pack valued at $213.95! Use the ‘tag people’ feature in Instagram and tag @xxxxsummerbright in your photo, also include the hashtag #youin. Best photo and winner to be judged by XXXX Summerbright Lager. 18 + only. Entries close Feb 9 2014.

How will you make sure everyday counts? You in? Get involved at XXXX Summer Bright’s Facebook Page or Instagram.

This is a sponsored post.

Larry Heath

Founding Editor and Publisher of the AU review. Currently based in Toronto, Canada. You can follow him on Twitter @larry_heath or on Instagram @larryheath.