Screen Australia’s Doco180 initiative announces funding for upcoming female directors

Six female-led projects have now become funding recipients of Screen Australia and News Digital Networks Australia’s With Her In Mind Network‘s initiative Doco180, a new project aimed to promote social media-friendly documentaries designed to make the viewer ‘do a 180’ on a topic relevant to Australian women, in 180 seconds.

The documentaries selected to be part of the project include the directorial debut of SBS’s Date My Race presenter Santilla Chingpaige with Black Beauty, exploring how Australian women of colour are coping with a lack of beauty representations in mainstream media.

Dominique Pratt and lung transplant survivor Shannon have collaborted on Coming Up For Air, an intimate look at life with a terminal illness and living life with another person’s organs inside of you.

Using her own personal experience, Jasmine Richwol aims to empower single, mid-to-late 30s women who want to have a baby in IVF vs. The One, by asking them: should they be looking for a man or a scientist?

Mission Impossible will follow a day in the life of health journalist Shannon Harvey who will attempt the elusive and all too familiar challenge of the modern-day woman: trying to ‘do it all’ – at work, at home, as a mother and as a woman.

Kelly Hucker will direct a celebration of the female form in My Body Says, told through the intimate reveal of comedienne Loani Arman’s body, to inspire women to redefine their body image and see their bodies as a map of their lives.

A social experiment using a coffee cart, Sari Braithwaite will charge men a 16% tax on coffee for the day to put gender salary discrepancies front and centre in The Pay Gappuccino.

Each team will receive $6,000 to make their project and will be supported by a Screen Australia Investment Development Manager.

The Doco180 series will be rolled out on and its social channels from October 2017.



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