Following a successful debut in 2016, Gourmet Cinema returns to Melbourne this March for another series of events that brings film and food lovers together. The 2017 event will be furnished with a stellar culinary lineup that includes Tokyo Tina, Fonda, Meatmaiden, Kong, Saigon Sally, Baby Pizza, Horn Please, The Fish and Chippery by Atlantic and L’Hotel Gitan.
These food experiences, offered up by some of the city’s most popular, are then paired nightly with a movie lineup that consists of Eat Pray Love, Caddyshack, Finding Dory, Lost in Translation, Happy Feet, Slumdog Millionaire, Sexy Beast, The Talented Mr. Ripley, Amelie, Cocktail, Frida, Pulp Fiction and Blade Runner.
The festival boasts “menus inspired by movies” so imagine Eat Pray Love with food from Baby Pizza, or Caddyshack with BBQ and beer from Meatmaiden, to the kids matinee showing of Finding Dory being paired with the Fish and Chippery by The Atlantic.
Gourmet Cinema runs daily from Thursday March 2nd till Sunday March 12th.
Visit to see the movie and food lineups and to purchase tickets and packages.
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