the AU interview: Jake Orrall of Jeff The Brotherhood (USA)

Jamin and Jake Orral of Jeff The BrotherhoodJake The Brotherhood ahead of their upcoming Australian tour with the Big Day Out.

Whereabouts are you at the moment?

At my house sitting on the couch.

Have you gotten to have a little bit of time off over Christmas & New Years?

Yeah it’s been really nice.

You guys didn’t really stop much last year did you?

Not really for the last 3 or 4 no.

Just looking at your touring schedule it’s not something I would be willing to put myself through. How have you kept it going over those years, especially the last one that was particularly crazy?

I think touring gets kind of addictive. We were doing it so much we were kind of living in the van for a while, when we were away from home we’d crash at friend’s houses or whatever and then we were like, well, better get back on the road, what else were we gonna do? And then eventually we got to the point where we were living off of it and we did a whole lot and we loved it. We can live off of it so we just kind of do it, it’s our job.

Well it’s not a bad one at that and you’ll be coming back to Australia; in a few days now I imagine you’ll be jumping on the plane?

Yep on Sunday.

Are you looking forward to getting back down here?

I am looking forward to being down there yes, getting there is something I do not look forward to.

You’re not a big fan of the long haul flights?

I’m not a big fan of the airplane as a mode of transportation. It’s easy and quick but on the way back we’re flying to Dallas which is the third longest commercial flight in the world right now.

You’re doing the Sydney to Dallas route?


Yeah that’s a crazy one. I’ve done that a couple of times going to SXSW and it’s a long one.

I’m terrified.

Have a few gin and tonics in the lounge before, you’ll be alright.

A few gin and tonics with a couple of xanax.

That’s the only way to fly. Well we’re looking forward to seeing you down here, you’re playing the Big Day Out Shows. There’s a lot of other bands on the lineup but playing festivals is nothing new for you guys and I imagine most of the bands on the lineup you’ve played with before. Will it be a chance to catch up with people you know or anything like that?

Actually I haven’t heard of most of the bands. I don’t really know much about that stuff. We only know two of them; Off! and Delta Spirit. We have a good friend in Off! so we’re looking forward to seeing them.

What’s the rest of 2013 holding for you guys?

A little less touring cos we have to write and record an album. When you’re doing it for a major label it’s different, a bit higher standard. You can’t just make an album, you really need to make something great. So we’re putting a lot behind it. We’re spending a lot more time writing this one then we did with the other albums partly because we have the luxury of not having to tour quite as much as we used to. Pretty much the same old same old for the year, touring, recording an album, that’s about it.

Is there definitely a lot more pressure when you have a major label on your tail, does that make it harder or easier in a way?

For me it’s easier, otherwise I’d be going along at my own pace and it might be years before I get a record out and it might not be any good. I work better under pressure and I like having some sort of schedule and maybe a bit of a deadline situation just so I know what I need to do and what I need to focus on. Otherwise I’d probably just sit around most of the time.

Do you know where you’re going to record yet? Are those discussions happening or is that still too far away?

We have some ideas. We’re gonna go around and check places out and make sure we get the right one. We never record in the same place twice though but hopefully we’ll find a place that we like and just keep going there.

You might even find somewhere you like in Australia but I don’t think we’ll get you on that flight again too soon.

I don’t know that we’ll even get any time to go looking around the cities or do anything else while we’re down there. I think we have a show every day the whole time we’re there.

You just about do. You’ll have a couple of days off here and there but it’ll be filled with media and doing this and doing that. Do you ever really get the chance to explore a city or is that not even part of it anymore?

No not at this point while we’re touring internationally, we just don’t have time. It’s so expensive to get there and rent gear and hire a tour manager and get hotels. Usually if we’re doing international tours we’re lucky if we break even so we have to squeeze in as much work as we can. Which is kind of a shame like when you go and tour Europe. We can’t stand touring Europe because everyday is a different country so it’s adapting to a different culture everyday and you don’t see anything. It’s a little more relaxed when we tour down in Australia, you kind of get into the groove of being in Australia I guess. Europe’s a nightmare to tour but it’ll get better once we can afford to take days off and see the sights and what not.

You must have a long list now of ‘oh I want to come back here and do that’

Yeah for sure.

Looking back at 2012 is there anything that sticks out for you highlight wise?

We did some really great shows. We did an amazing tour with The Kills and Hunters which was probably the best solid three band bill we’ve ever done. It was really, really fun. What else…recording the new album was really fun. I don’t know, it’s all been pretty damn good. I moved into a new house and it’s definitely the nicest place I’ve ever lived and that was really exciting.

It must’ve been nice to move out of the van.

Oh yeah. I was actually one of those living at Infinity Cat, which was our label we used to put everything else out on. I was living at the office (laughs).

Sleeping under the table and all that?

Yeah waking up at work.

Well that certainly must inspire some form of writing. I don’t know if it’s a positive form of writing; you may end up writing legal documents instead of a song.

Yeah right. Editing other bands contracts…

Take a little more money for us, a little less money for you

(laughs) I wish.

When you’re in Australia you’re touring with a band called King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard, have you had a chance to listen to those guys?

No. They’re friends of a friend so we’re excited to check them out.

They’re definitely one of the most talked about live acts in Australia and one of my personal favourites. Having seen you guys before as well I think it’ll be a very good fit.

Oh yeah? Good, great.

Well you’ll be in Australia very soon so best of luck with the flight and with your drinks and xanax and we’ll see you in a week or so.

Great. See you soon.


Supported by King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard (excluding WA and Byron Bay)
Tickets on sale NOW!
Available from or at links below.

Thursday 17th January – The Standard, SYDNEY – NSW
Tickets available online at
by phone 1300 GET TIX or at all ticket outlets listed here

Saturday 19th January – Great Northern, BYRON BAY – NSW
Tickets avaiable online at
by phone 1300 762 545 or at all ticket outlets listed here
With Guests: Kitchens Floor

Wednesday 23rd January – Bridge Hotel, CASTLEMAINE – VIC
Tickets available online at
by phone 1300 GET TIX or at all ticket outlets listed here

Thursday 24th January – Corner Hotel, MELBOURNE – VIC
Tickets available online at
by phone 03 9427 9198 or at all ticket outlets listed here

Sunday 27th January – Mojo’s – FREMANTLE, WA
Tickets available online at or at 78’s, Mills, Planet, Star or at all ticket outlets listed here
With Guests: Special Guests

Also appearing on the national BIG DAY OUT tour:
Friday 18th January – Showground – SYDNEY – SOLD OUT!
Sunday 20th January – Parklands – GOLD COAST
Friday 25th January – Showground – ADELAIDE
Saturday 26th January – Flemington Racecourse – MELBOURNE
Monday 28th January – Claremont Showgrounds – PERTH