E3 2019: A sequel to The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is now in development

Nintendo have confirmed that a sequel to 2017’s platform-defining, formula altering The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is in development. The announcement came at the end of one of the biggest E3 Nintendo Directs ever broadcast.

The trailer promises a similar aesthetic and a direct continuation of the Breath of the Wild story. In it, we see Link and Zelda getting a premonition of something awful on the way, Ganon’s corpse abruptly reanimating and a wide-shot of Hyrule that sent shivers up spines all around the world. It will come to Nintendo Switch … eventually.

At this stage, that’s really all there is to talk about this one. Nintendo only wanted to tease its development at the end of their E3 presser, not announce a release date. It exists, it’s coming and (as Reggie would say) our bodies are ready.

David Smith

David Smith is the former games and technology editor at The AU Review. He has previously written for PC World Australia. You can find him on Twitter at @RhunWords.