Day: 11 October 2014

The Walking Dead: The Top 10 Episodes (So Far)

AMC’s The Walking Dead has really grown into something much more than what many initially thought it would be. Based on Robert Kirkman’s graphic novels, the series has gone from a six-episode Season 1 to the most in-demand, involving show on TV. It’s done this with a consistent, potent mix of high-end drama, genuinely terrifying…

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TV Review: Bones Season 10 Episode 3 “The Purging of the Pundit” (USA, 2014)

After the excitement of the last two stellar episodes of Bones, this week feels a bit like a return to routine. Everyone is concerned about Booth, especially Brennan, and the emotional drama of the episode centres around his loss of faith due to all the recent traumas. However, back to business, a murder must be…

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