Ridley Scott to reunite team behind The Martian for Zahler’s Wraiths of the Broken Land

The creative team behind last year’s sci-fi drama (or comedy, if you’re The Golden Globes) The Martian, are reuniting to adapt writer/director S. Craig Zahler’s novel Wraiths of the Broken Land. 

Twentieth Century Fox has picked up the rights to the revenge-fueled Western, with Ridley Scott set to direct and Drew Goddard to pen the script.

Zahler’s 2013 novel, set in Mexico in the 1900s, follows two sisters who are kidnapped and forced into prostitution. The girls’ father and two brothers set out on a violent quest to find them, bringing their outlaw gang including two former slaves, an Indian girl, and a brutal gunman.

The Hollywood Reporter describes the novel  as having elements of horror, pulp, and Asian ultra-violence.

Via Dark Horizons.


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