Disney’s D23 Expo: Watch Benedict Cumberbatch talk Doctor Strange and Chris Evans and Anthony Mackie talk Captain America: Civil War

One of the most talked about presentations at Disney’s D23 Expo over the weekend has been that from Marvel Studios, who helped introduce us to the two films that will kick off “Stage Three” of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) next year: Doctor Strange, preceded by the third Captain America film Civil War

In their special presentation, Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige introduced a special video from the star of Doctor Strange, Benedict Cumberbatch,  by setting the groundwork for the film itself, “Doctor Strange is a project we’ve been working on since before the inception of the MCU. The goal of these films is always to continue to expand what a comic book film is, what a MCU film is and starting a couple of years ago with Guardians, this year with Ant-Man and next year with Doctor Strange, continuing to push the boundaries of the Cinematic Universe.”

Benedict started his brief video with the traditional Star Trek greeting, “oops, wrong film!”, before talking a bit about his new role: “He’s an extraordinary character, and brings in a whole other dimension… multiple dimensions… to the Marvel Universe”. The video which has been posted by ScreenSlam, below, unfortunately doesn’t give us the taste of the film that many have been talking about, but it goes on to show Chris Evans and Anthony Mackie’s introduction of the Civil War trailer, which has also been kept out of the video by request of Marvel. Oh well, it’s fun watching the pair talk about the film all the same…

Watch the video here: 

Civil War is due out in Australia on 28th April 2015. Doctor Strange currently has an Australian release date of 27th October 2015.


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Larry Heath

Founding Editor and Publisher of the AU review. Currently based in Toronto, Canada. You can follow him on Twitter @larry_heath or on Instagram @larryheath.