Tech startup Musiio is using AI to build you a better playlist

How often do you jump onto Spotify looking for something to listen to and find yourself staring at the screen, unable to make a decision? Like scrolling endlessly through Netflix for something to watch, music streaming platforms are so content rich that users may find themselves paralysed by indecision. They know what they like the sound of but, beyond a handful of their favourite artists they just don’t know how to find more of it. It’s into this niche that Singaporean startup Musiio is looking to slip.

The startup, recently founded by UK music tech vet Hazel Savage and Swedish software engineer Aron Pettersson uses an AI to “listen to” (or sort through) thousands and thousands of new tracks released online every single day. Having scraped all of this data with, according to Musiio, its combination of “deep learning and feature extraction,” the AI then rapidly categorises each track for later retrieval.

Apply this tech to something like Pandora, which already attempts to sort music into identifiable categories to present users with easy access to sounds they like, and theoretically the result would be playlists featuring newer artists with material more relevant to the user’s desired genre. 3rd party platforms just like Pandora and Spotify could be able to offer a more accurate service than they currently do.

It’s certainly an interesting approach, and one we’re keen to see more of. You can find out more about Musiio at their official site.


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David Smith

David Smith is the former games and technology editor at The AU Review. He has previously written for PC World Australia. You can find him on Twitter at @RhunWords.