Here’s how much Nintendo Labo will cost you in Australia

Nintendo Australia have come through with local pricing for the first wave of just-announced Nintendo Labo kits for the Switch. Hit the jump to see how much you’ll be paying when they drop April 20.

Nintendo will be releasing two Labo kits on launch, the Variety Kit and the Robot Kit. Both kits will come with everything you need to start building the cardboard structures, what Nintendo are adorably calling Toy-Cons, as well as the software you’ll need to use them.

The Variety Kit will contain several kits including the Toy-Con RC Car, Toy-Con Fishing Rod, Toy-Con House, Toy-Con Motorbike and Toy-Con Piano all seen in the reveal video above. This is clearly the kit to grab if you want to get started with a bunch of different games. It will set you back $99.95 AUD.

The one that a lot of kids will be screaming for is the complex-looking Robot Kit seen in the reveal trailer. The Robot Kit is a wearable robot suit that will allow for numerous game modes and ways to play. It clocks in at $199.95 AUD, putting a full $20 more than the base kit.

Further, if you’re looking to decorate your Labo gear, Nintendo will be releasing stencil, sticker and coloured tape packs for $14.95 AUD and those will be available on launch as well.

We’ll have more for you on Nintendo Labo as new information comes to hand.



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David Smith

David Smith is the former games and technology editor at The AU Review. He has previously written for PC World Australia. You can find him on Twitter at @RhunWords.