Gamescom 2016: Overwatch gets new map, Eichenwalde

Blizzard have hit the ground running at Gamescom 2016, announcing a brand new map for their competitive team-shooter Overwatch. Called Eichenwalde, the new map will see players storming a German castle.

Eichenwalde is functionally a Payload or escort map, like King’s Row or Gibraltar. The attacking team must guide a battering ram to the doors of Eichenwalde Castle and blow them open. The defending team needs to get in their way and prevent that from happening.

Blizzard announced the map during a livestream from the show, and dropped a few hints about Eichenwalde’s history. It is, as many could have guessed from the trailer above, the home of Bastion. From the official blurb:

The site of one of the most famous battles during the Omnic Crisis, it was here that the leader of the Crusaders, Balderich von Alder, and a handful of his best soldiers made a last stand against an advancing automaton army. Outnumbered and outgunned, they were ultimately slain during the resulting combat. However, thanks to their valiant efforts, the German military was able to push back the omnic offensive and win the fight.

Eichenwalde is likely to appear in the next Overwatch animated short titled “The Last Bastion,” which is set to drop during the Gamescom show.


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David Smith

David Smith is the former games and technology editor at The AU Review. He has previously written for PC World Australia. You can find him on Twitter at @RhunWords.