July’s free PlayStation Plus titles are here

It’s a very one-or-the-other month for PlayStation Plus subscription holders. July’s rotation of free games has been revealed and its sure to be polarising.

Your titles are: Pro Evo Soccer 2019 and Horizon Chase Turbo.

Some of you, those who don’t like sports games, are maybe feeling a bit deflated right now but we urge you to check out Pro Evo anyway. It’s a hardcore football simulation, much more concerned with the proper workings of the game than FIFA‘s often more rock-and-roll approach. It’s really great and offers a steep challenge. And besides, sports are still games. Don’t be such a snob.

July’s second title, Horizon Chase Turbo is an indie racing title in the vein of classic 80’s racers like Outrun and Chase HQ. It’s crazy fast, has a beautiful, low-fi aesthetic that perfectly evokes that hyper pixellated era and features replicas of your favourite 80’s cars — Truenos, DeLoreans, its got em all. Also, the soundtrack absolutely slams. Great stuff we’d love to see more of in the indie space.

To grab em both for free, all you need is an active PlayStation Plus subscription.

David Smith

David Smith is the former games and technology editor at The AU Review. He has previously written for PC World Australia. You can find him on Twitter at @RhunWords.